Is Your Air Conditioner Ready for the Hot Weather?

Imagine this: it’s Friday night. You’re on your way home from work looking forward to a relaxing night in with the kids and dogs, but you come home to a sweltering mid-summer surprise. Your air conditioner has stopped working completely, so it’s not safe for you or your family — not to mention, your plans […]
Everything You Need to Know About Smart Home Automation

Compared to some other Californian towns, Simi Valley has pretty mild winters, most of which have bright and sunny days. When the sun goes down and the temperature dips, you know you need a reliable heater to stay warm. So how come your heating system is blowing out cold air when you turn it on? Let’s start with the basics.
Why is My Heater Blowing Cold Air?

Compared to some other Californian towns, Simi Valley has pretty mild winters, most of which have bright and sunny days. When the sun goes down and the temperature dips, you know you need a reliable heater to stay warm. So how come your heating system is blowing out cold air when you turn it on? Let’s start with the basics.
Does Improved Indoor Air Quality Prevent Colds and the Flu?

Now that we’re in the midst of the cold and flu season, many of us are doing our best to keep healthy and avoid catching the sniffles. From getting the flu shot to taking vitamins to boost our immune system, there are many ways to keep from getting sick during the winter months. Yet, there are also other factors that you may not have considered when protecting yourself against falling ill.
3 Reasons Why Your Home is Due for an Electrical Upgrade

You flick a switch and your light turns on obvious to the complicated serious of events that transpired to illuminate your room. Your electrical system isn’t magic. It’s brilliantly designed and like anything mechanical, prone to malfunction. If you’ve neglected to have your electrical system inspected, you might be surprised to learn how outdated it is. Here are three reasons why it could be due for an upgrade.
Short Cycling and Other HVAC Malfunctions Explained

If you’ve noticed that your HVAC system is just not working as well as it used to, it may be time for you to contact a professional. Several types of common malfunctions can happen with HVAC systems. Understanding their symptoms and causes can help you know how to prevent them and when it is time to call an expert. Here are some of the most common HVAC issues and their causes.
Thermostat Programming Tips That Will Save You a Bundle This Summer

Most of us have a programmable thermostat, but very few of us bother to program it. That’s a shame because spending a few minutes to set your air conditioning system on a schedule can save you a pretty penny on cooling costs. Here’s what you need to know to get the most cost savings out of your programmable thermostat.
Banish These Indoor Air Pollutants NOW

You have a HEPA filter. You dust and vacuum regularly. But despite your best efforts, several common household items are undermining your efforts to reduce allergens and airborne pollutants. Some of the largest sources of indoor air pollution are things you might never suspect. Here are five things in your house that are fouling up your air.
5 Signs it’s Time to Replace Your Air Ducts

Replacing your air ducts sounds like a big undertaking, and it is, but it’s worth it in the long term. Installing ducts that work properly will save you money, conserve energy and help you maintain a healthy, comfortable environment in your home or office. Here’s how to determine when it’s time to do that.
4 Signs Your AC Won’t Make it Through Spring

It’s been a soggy past couple of weeks in the Greater LA area, so it understandable if air conditioning isn’t on the top of your mind. But rest assured, warmer weather is on the way. Is your AC prepared? Now is the time to determine if your HVAC system is capable of providing reliable comfort throughout the spring and summer months. Pay close attention to how your system is operating. If you notice any of the following red flags, you should have your central air unit inspected by a professional.