Landscape Lighting Techniques to Transform Your Outdoor Space

A backyard with a pool and landscape lighting.

Lighting can drastically transform any outdoor space. Whether you’re illuminating a quaint garden or accentuating the architectural features of your home, it’s helpful to know how to design landscape lighting so that you can turn your dream into reality. In this blog, we’ll explore various landscape lighting techniques and tips to help you create an […]

Can You Clean Air Ducts Yourself?

A professional cleaning a vent with a brush.

Imagine living in a home where the air is incredibly fresh, without any dust or allergens. Dirty air ducts can ruin this perfect scenario. You may be asking, “Can you clean air ducts yourself?” This brings up a discussion about doing it yourself versus hiring professionals. In this blog, we’ll discuss what a DIY approach […]

How Long Can a Whole House Generator Run Continuously?

A whole-house generator installed outdoors.

In the face of unpredictable weather and the potential for extended power outages, the reliability and endurance of whole-house generators have become a paramount concern for homeowners. Understanding how long a whole house generator can run continuously is crucial for planning and peace of mind during these challenging times. This blog will explore the endurance […]

Boiler vs Furnace: Which Is Better?

A boiler in a basement.

When chilly temperatures blow in, the warmth of your home becomes a sanctuary against the cold. The heart of this warmth often lies in a crucial decision: choosing between a boiler and a furnace for your heating needs. This choice is not merely about preference but involves understanding how each system operates, its benefits, and […]

Your Guide to Fixing Loose Electrical Outlets

A plug in a wall outlet.

Loose electrical outlets are a common issue in many homes and can pose various risks, including electrical hazards and fire dangers. In this comprehensive blog, we will walk you through how to fix loose outlets safely and efficiently. Always remember safety comes first. If you’re not comfortable performing these tasks, don’t hesitate to contact a […]

Why Is Your Furnace Short-Cycling?

A man touching a dirty furnace air filter.

If you’ve been experiencing frequent on-and-off cycles with your furnace, you might be dealing with a common yet perplexing issue known as short-cycling. In this blog, we’ll explore the intricate reasons why your furnace is short-cycling and how to address it effectively. Understanding Furnace Short-Cycling Before diving into specifics, it’s crucial to understand what furnace […]

Tankless Water Heater vs. Standard Tank Water Heater: What’s Best for You?

Open faucet fills the sink with hot water and steam.

When it comes to choosing a water heater for your home, you have two primary options: tankless water heaters and standard tank water heaters. Each type of water heater has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them can have a significant impact on your energy bills, hot water supply, and […]

Furnace Maintenance 101: Your Guide to Improving Your Furnace Efficiency and IAQ

Woman dressed in warm clothing, including a beanie and fuzzy socks, bundled up in a blanket on the couch with a hot mug.

As the crisp winter air settles in, your furnace becomes the unsung hero of your home. It ensures you stay cozy and warm during the coldest months of the year. Yet, like any hero, your furnace needs regular care and attention to perform at its best. Furnace maintenance can elevate your comfort, improve efficiency, and […]

Do Plants Help Indoor Air Quality?

A smiling woman spraying water on a hanging houseplant.

Many of us have heard about the benefits of houseplants in beautifying spaces and reducing stress. But an often-debated question is, do plants help indoor air quality? When it comes down to it, indoor plants are good for air quality in some instances, but they are not a comprehensive solution for reducing indoor air pollution. […]

Pick the Perfect Ceiling Fan Size for Every Room in Your Home

A smiling man performing a service on a ceiling fan.

Few things are as versatile and energy-efficient as a ceiling fan. Whether you’re trying to beat the summer heat or improve your home’s circulation in the winter, a well-sized ceiling fan can make all the difference. But what size ceiling fan do you need? In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process so that […]